Best All-Purpose Fishing Knot
Michael Walters demonstrates how to tie his favorite all-purpose fishing knot in this episode of How-Tues-Day. The Trilene is Michael's...

How to Use the Rapala BX Minnow
On the first How-Tues-day Michael Walters of TEAM503 explains how to catch Northern Pike early in the season Lake Minnetonka in...

Tournament Talk with TEAM503: Michael Walters at NABC: Sturgeon Bay
Michael Walters gives his thoughts following the North American Bass Circuit's first stop in Sturgeon Bay. Michael touches on the...

Tournament Talk with TEAM503: Michael Walters at NWT Day One
Michael Walters gives his thoughts following the first day of the Cabela's National Walleye Tour. He and Co-Angler Jesse Erikson finished...